Florin Fleseriu - Consultation

$ 59.00 NZD
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Here at PowerSpout we are more than just manufacturers of hydro turbines. We are experts in renewable energy systems. We have done what no other micro hydro company has done. We have created a comprehensive collection of documents which cover all aspects of our products and also how they integrate with a renewable energy system.

Chances are if you have a question the answer can be found for free here.

If you have a specific question or you simply want to save time finding the relevant information within our documentation then please choose the option "Answer a Question". 

If you have a complex question or are looking for a system design then please choose the option "Hourly Consultation". If you are unsure how much time to purchase please contact Florin and he will assist you. As an indication a system design will often take between 5 - 15 hours or 3 - 5% of the system equipment cost.

If paying per hour you are paying for the time to consider and reply to your specific questions. You can use your purchased time in pieces and at the end of each email any time credit remaining will be noted.

Florin has worked as a Telecom Engineer since 1992.

In 2004, Florin founded LP ELECTRIC that distributes and installs solar, wind and hydro systems in Romania.

"After 14 years in this industry, it is clear that the renewable world is a never ending story". 

"Over the years, we have built some of the most sophisticated and performing off-grid systems in Romania. We will always be in the top of renewable technologies that matter for a safer and cleaner future."

Florin is not employed by EcoInnovation but is engaged from time to time to advise clients on technical matters.

Email Address: florin@ecovolt.ro

No refunds apply to paid advice given. Please read our standard terms and conditions.

Refer to PowerSpout Document Index Links for a complete index of documents.